Shrubbery - Part 1

After 25+ years, the old shrubs out front  (which predate our 1994 move-in) were getting scraggly and overgrown.   The Yew 'trees' were growing up against the house.  So, like moron, I say to myself - 'I'll just take them out and replace them'.   Ever dig out shrubs like this?  Like those 10-12' monsters?  ha...hahahahahahahaha.

After the fact, I looked, and find that removing a Yew shrub can be ...uhm..  difficult. ... "Removing a Yew is sometimes more difficult than cutting down a tree. The wood is extremely dense and difficult to cut with the sharpest chainsaw and the root system is widespread and very deep."

Check. Got it.  I'll just file that little factoid away for next time.  Aaaanyway...  Pics here before and after. Well sort of, there were also 4 shrubs on the far right.  Now the front looks barren and naked, so off to the nursery we go... I guess... stay tuned for more folly....

The 2 planting beds are 8.5'x18' and 8.5'x32' (25' to end of house)

Lake of the Woods - MBC (Part 1)

1,700 square miles, 14,552 islands, and 65,000 miles of shoreline. Lake of The Woods in Canada is a pretty impressive place. Nestled within is Miles Bay Camp.  I was lucky enough to go out there for a week to do some serious fishing and R&R. 

350 miles north of Minneapolis to Morson Ontario, then 25 miles by boat to an island in Miles Bay, Lake of the Woods - and finally a 50 foot walk up the dock to a lakeside cabin.

Lake of the Woods - MBC (Part 2)

Fishing commenced immediately, and we had more fish than we could eat every evening for 7 days. Walleye, Northern Pike.. with the occasional perch, crappie, or bass thrown in for good measure. (1 day we had spaghetti).   The scenery was spectacular, the weather glorious, the company great - everyone had a blast.

The size limit for "Northern's" is 29.5". Check.

Lake of the Woods - MBC (Part 3)

One day we had a camp lunch: found a good spot, whipped up a fire and had pan fried northern and beans.  How good is that?   Pelicans showed up to scrounge for scraps. ..

As you can see, it was all very stressful.

Got my butt kicked playing Euchre, held my breath in the outhouse, had some good laughs and had a really good week.  Thanks for dragging me along guys, it was fantastic.  Next time, maybe I will even bring my passport.